DDM v2.0.0

Data Donation Module

Data Donation Module - Demo Page

The Data Donation Module (DDM) is a web application to collect data donations for research. It provides the means to guide participants through the data donation process, define rules on how the personal data provided by the participants are preprocessed and filtered before being transmitted to the researchers, and optionally enrich the donated data with the participants’ self-reports, collected through an integrated questionnaire.

This page is intended for researchers who are interested in the DDM and wish to explore its functionalities. This demo version of DDM is hosted by the Data Donation Lab of the University of Zurich.

Try the Demo

To use the demo version of the Data Donation Module, you need to create a user account. Afterwards, you can login and try out the tool. If you already have a demo account, you can login here.

Create a Demo Account Login

The demo version is not intended to be used for "real-life" projects but to explore the tool. If you would like to use the tool for your own projects, you can either host an instance of DDM yourself or contact us to host your project on the infrastructure of the data donation lab.

Further Material

Documentation: Official documentation of the Data Donation Module.

DDM Paper: A paper published in Computational Communication Research providing a compact overview of the Data Donation Module.